Southeastern Michigan Veterinary Medical Assoc

P. O. Box 4030 - Southfield, MI 48037
Southfield, MI, MI 48037

248-651 x6332

What is the SEMVMA Academy


The Southeastern Michigan Veterinary Medical Association developed the SEMVMA Academy to celebrate the commitment of veterinarians to the continual improvement of their professional knowledge and competence achieved through continuing education. The Academy is the first institution in the State of Michigan to recognize and reward veterinarians for their commitment to advance their continuing education.

Applicants must be a member of the SEMVMA, and have earned at least fifty (50) hours of continuing education in scientific sessions (business management excluded) from January 1 to December 31 of the year the application is being submitted. Applications are evaluated by the SEMVMA Academy's Membership Committee.

Membership is free of charge. Download application here!


The following are recognized 2023 Academy members:


Steven Bailey, DVM, DABVP – Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital

Kathy Christy, DVM – Oakland Hills Veterinary Hospital

Judy Duderstadt – Heritage Animal Hospital

Tari Kern, DVM, CCRP, CVMA, CVSMT – Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Molly Lynch, DVM – Ann Arbor Cat Clinic

Michelle Meyer, DVM – Serenity Animal Hospital

Karen Michalski, DVM – Serenity Animal Hospital

John Parker, DVM – Briarpointe Veterinary Hospital

Julie Sherman, DVM – Serenity Animal Hospital

Dave Smith, DVM – Leader Dogs for The Blind

Sandy Smith, DVM – Animal Health Clinic of Fenton

Emily Socks, DVM – Oakland Hills Veterinary Hospital

Stephanie Tallis, DVM – Animal Medical Center of Troy

Laura Van de Grift, DVM – Oakland Hills Veterinary Hospital

Kelly Wilson, DVM – Leader Dogs for The Blind



The Veterinarian's Oath


Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health and the advancement of medical knowledge.

I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.

I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence. 


Advances in Veterinary Medicine


Read the above words carefully. This is our professional oath as adopted by the American Veterinary Medical Association in November 1999. These words encompass the basic beliefs of veterinarians. They are recited at oath and hooding ceremonies during graduation from colleges of veterinary medicine throughout the United States. The rate of rapid advancements in all areas of veterinary medicine and surgery prompted the addition of the last sentence.

Continuing education opportunities are available throughout the state, the nation, and in fact, throughout the world. Consider the achievements made in veterinary medicine in just the last 10-15 years.

As significant advancements continue to be made, improvements in the quality of life for our patients and clients may be realized. Continuing education is what delivers this advancement into your practice and taught you how to add them to your arsenal of treatment options.